Sunday, February 14, 2010

Don't tell us......

On February 19, 2009, a guy named Rick Santelli, a CNBC business news broadcaster, set the Internet afire with a rant about taxpayers having to bail out defaulting mortage holders. A Youtube version of the rant spread over the Internet like wildfire. You can find it here.

In it he called for a Chicago Tea Party to protest the bailouts.

Boy did the idea catch on. All over America, mad citizens determined to protest what was happening in our government. It was a spontaneous movement, not created or led by anyone, unless you want to credit Mr. Santelli with it. He, of course, had no idea how his rant would catch on with the people.

Now in its second year politicians and press from all sides of the spectrum seem to amazed, even frightened by the movement. They should be.

Many are even setting up strawmen in the movement to tear it down. We see the press trying to set up a lot of people as "leaders" of the movement, then attempting to discredit the movement by being critical of the "leaders." (Some of the people they have described as "leaders" or "founders" of the tea party are pretty bad people, others very controversial.)

This is an attempt by them to discredit a grassroots citizens' movement falsely and by design.

There is no particular leader, although there are many activists who speak up. Most who claim to be leaders are doing so for their own purposes. So don't believe it.

But on to the title point.

A dear friend of mine, who happens to be a liberal, sent me two articles today from, a reputable online source for political news.

One titled Republicans woo wary tea partiers dicusses how GOP Chairman Steele is engaging with 50 "leaders" of the tea party in hopes of enticing them into the Republican Party. For most of them, that will not work.

The other article was entitled Conservative manifesto coming soon. This is a story about a large group of Republican leaders and thinkers are getting together a new manifesto describing the basic Republican mission statement. This is also a response to the tea party movement.

I want to break the news to Mr. Steele and the other Republicans and to the Democrats: you people have had your chance. You had the chance to govern well and you blew it. Badly. Both parties.

The time is over for you to tell the people how and what you will or will not do. No more top down pontificating and then continuing on as usual. That day is over for now.

It is time that political power again starts flowing from the citizens to the politicians rather than the reverse.

What we want to see from you is actions. Your words are not meaningful. So listen instead of talk. Act instead of pontificate.

Show us.