Monday, March 9, 2009

Resuming, once again

It seems like every time I post here it has been a long time since the last one. When I started this, I had no intention of doing it daily. I just didn't want to be tied down to it. I still don't.

From the beginning, I have been operating under the strictures of the judicial code of ethics which limits us in commenting upon political candidates. As a result. most of my posts about politics were restrained, to say the least.

This year there are no candidates, so I can be less restrained, and that is a huge relief. There will be a lot to post about.

Last year I pointed out the strange relationships that now President Obama had with some really unsavory characters. The first three that come to mind are Reverend Wright, whose church Obama attended for around 20 years; Saul Alinsky, a radical community organizer whom Obama did not know, but whose philosophy and methods Obama faithfully follows; and the terrorist, Bill Ayers, who should still be in prison, but instead holds a prestigious job at a university in Chicago.

What do these three have in common? They are all radicals wanting to greatly change America. But is it the change we want?

Alinsky worked closely with Communists in much of his organizing. He says he was not one, but he certainly empowered them within the labor movements of the 1920s and 1930s.

Reverend Wright, of course, follows the Black Liberation Theology introduced by James Cone. It, in turn, is based upon the Liberation Theology that originated in Central America which clearly had Marxist roots. He and his followers clearly hate our America.

Ayers? Well, Bill Ayers was a terrorist. People died as a result of his efforts. He has no regrets.

Strange bedfellows? Of course. And the list doesn't include his pals in the Chicago and Illinois political machines, some (or many?) of whom are headed to prison.

Are you now still wondering who Obama is? If so, just look at what he has tried to do just since the inauguration.

He is exactly who he said he was if you had listened and heard what he really was saying. He is a Marxist/Socialist redistributionist who will destroy our free economy in search of equality of outcomes. Just like Marx preached.

The gloves are off.

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