Monday, July 20, 2009

Birth Certificate Issue Makes it to Congress

It seems that those who question Obama's natural born citizen status have gotten some Congressmen to jump on the bandwagon.

There is a bill co-sponsored by 9 Congressmen, including our own Randy Neugebauer, that would require any candidate for President to produce his or her birth certificate.

John Avlon, writing over at The Daily Beast, thinks that is rather silly, and it certainly may well be.

"All this might be laughable, if there weren’t deadly serious hyper-partisan hatred behind it all. There is plenty to debate over the administration’s policies, but Obama Derangement Syndrome is not healthy for our democracy—it is pathological hatred of the president posing as patriotism."

Those are pretty harsh words for what might seem a reasonable sort of request. Reminds me of the Bush Derangement Syndrome we saw for 8 years.

My view is that Obama should release his birth certificate. If he is who he says he is, and I have no reason to doubt it, then he could put this business to rest very quickly, and send the "birthers" running with their tails between their legs.

The only thing that gives this life is Obama's strenuous efforts to hide the birth certificate and other records that most Presidents release.

Is he trying to hide something?

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