Sunday, August 2, 2009

Birds of a Feather?

In the early hours of the morning on June 28 this year, soldiers of the Honduran Army, bearing an order from the Honduran Supreme Court, arrested and then exiled Honduran President Zelaya.

The order from the Supreme Court, with the approval of the duly elected Congress of Honduras, came after Zelaya had disobeyed a direct order from the Court and was proceeding with a referendum that had been found to be unconstitutional.

A member of Zelaya's own party was appointed by Congress and sworn in as temporary President until an election could be held on November 29.

The hue and cry from the Marxist/Communist/Socialist dictators from south of our border was instant and loud.

The esteemed Hugo Chavez vowed to reverse the situation. The socialist government of Ecuador announced they would not recognize the new government.

The Castros of Cuba were outraged and demanded sanctions.

The old Sandinista from Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, joined the other extreme leftists.

And then came Barack Obama. He stepped into it with both feet.

Eventually the Organization of American states demanded that Zelaya be restored, and called for sanctions.

The United States immediately suspended military aid, and has since revoked the visas of four diplomats representing the new government.

So let us get this straight.

We have a guy in Honduras, Zelaya, who is trying to establish a dictatorship, a la Chavez in Venezuela, who is legally removed for having violated the Constitution of Honduras, and the President of the United States is helping him, and trying to get him restored to power.

Somehow, that just seems un-American for some reason. There are thousands of reasons we might have to avoid having another Chavez, or Castro, or Ortega in Central America, but I cannot think of a single, solitary reason why the interests of the United States could be served by having another Marxist/Communist/Socialist dictator down there.

So why would Obama take that position? Could it be that he is birds of a feather with Castro, Chavez, Ortega and the others?

My Mom always told me that birds of a feather flock together.

Perhaps his associations with Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorhn, Rev. Wright and the other radicals that hate the United States were not so benign after all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's so sad when we can group Obama,Castro,Chavez,Ayers,Dorhn,Wright, Pelosi,and Reid,together. The liberals (Democrats)have virtually brought America to it's knees. Now let's hope that we stay on our knees,praying to God that we be released from this kinship.---Goose