Saturday, August 29, 2009

Busy, busy

Have been very busy the last two weeks, and will be the next three weeks it appears. I only thought I had retired. LOL

There is a lot going on in the political world, and I will try to be commenting a bit about some of it, but time will be short.

After they get Teddy buried, I suspect some will try to use any emotion generated by his death to help push through their socialized medicine bill. Let's hope they fail.

I feel about as good about TedKennedyCare as Mary Jo Kopechne would.

The liberal press continues to give proven corrupt Democrats a pass. Rangel would lead the list, of course. One cannot count his felonies on one hand, but he still leads the House Ways and Means Committee. Apparently the majority party approves of his corruption.

Bill Richardson escaped indictment through a rules breaking decision by the Attorney General to drop proceedings against him. I guess apologies are due the Grand Jurors who spent a year doing the investigation.

Then there is Christopher Dodd and Kent Conrad, who got sweetheart deals from CountryWide as it was going busted, but a Senate committee has decided it wasn't unethical.

The list goes on. And on. And on.

Of course, there have been Republicans on such a list as well, but we were promised in 2006 that the Democrats would do away with the "culture of corruption" in Washington.

Instead, they have accelerated it.

If the House and the Senate cannot enforce ethical conduct among their members, how can we expect them to make correct decisions on anything else?

We need to throw them all out, and start over. Beginning at the very top.


Anonymous said...

SP Corruption is in the eye of the beholder.Unfornately the only corruption the Dems see,is when the target is a Republican or a conservative.There are two distinct differences there. I don't think we will ever see the Dems recognize publicly,the errors that they themselves are involved in.
If the Dems were as against corruption to the degree they say they are, we would be rid of most of them,including their leaders.--Goose

Unknown said...

What ever happened to the "servant" in public servant?