Sunday, August 16, 2009

Public Option Off the Table?

The New York Times is quoting Kathleen Sibelius, the HHS Secretary, that a government insurer "is not an essential element" to the health insurance reform bill.

If that is the case, and they will let that part go, then one of the worst parts of the bill will have been taken out.

Hooray for the good guys!

Now, if we could only find out what is in the rest of the bill.

Some reform does need to be done, but it has to be done in a way that keeps the government out of our business.

Liberals want the government in our business, so we must be vigilant. Pelosi and Reid can be very sneaky, as we have seen with the stimulus bill and the cap and trade bill.


Anonymous said...

At least we are seeing some progress.or are we??
There are still so many negatives in the proposal, that I hope the people won't be satisfied with a few crackers thrown their way.--Goose

The South Plainsman said...

The public option is not gone yet. The House leaders vow to keep it. It ain't over until its over.