Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thoughts on a return to blogging

It has been a long and busy three weeks, and I have not been able to even gather thoughts in order to blog. Sorry.

There was some time to keep up with email, and to read some articles. Given what is happening in our world, there is a lot to blog about. I will try to do so with a bit more regularity than lately.

Looking about, one sees the United States, once respected, if disliked, has changed to being disrespected and still disliked.

All of that in a period of eight months.

This is because of the deliberate policies of our current government. It has sucked up to our enemies and offended and abandoned our friends. Intentionally.

Iran has just been given another pass, in spite of its threat. North Korea is ignored, to do whatever nuke development they wish.

Castro and Chavez to our south are being helped, rather than isolated, while Honduras and Colombia, our allies, are treated quite poorly.

The situation in Afghanistan is eroding, and the government is holding "meetings." There seems to be no sense of urgency, even though the President accorded Afghanistan important status when running for office.

Domestically, the economy is in the tank while the "stimulus" is spent to shore up supporters and arms of the Democratic Party. The big banking and financial institutions have been bailed out with nearly three trillion dollars of taxpayers' money, but the government entities refuse to account to the people for the money.

The majority party is trying to cram health "reform" down the throat of the 85% of the people who are satisfied with their health insurance, in order to make coverage available to an additional 11% of the people (and, of course, 12 million illegal aliens).

They are also trying to pass a "cap and trade" regime, which will enrich a few, but will constitute a huge energy tax on everyone else, even the poor. This is being done in a time of deep recession and increasing unemployment.

In the media, I notice that the New York Times has as the lead article a story about Senator John Ensign (R-Nev) and his affair, but there is not a mention anywhere of Charles Rangel (D-NY) and his series of felonies, nor of the bastard child of John Edwards, the Democratic presidential candidate, even though there is some here on Politico.


A couple of weeks ago, as I sat out on my patio enjoying the evening with my puppy dog and an adult beverage, I had something of a premonition. Nothing specific at all, just a thought that something bad might happen. A friend that I told about it said he was having somewhat similar thoughts.

I think that when one considers the above, along with everything else, there is good reason to worry.

Perhaps that can be covered a bit in succeeding posts.


Jim Evans said...

Like you, I believe something is about to happen, something good if you believe in freedom and small government, something bad if you like the government thinking and acting for you. I can only hope, against contrary experience that people will learn from this. There are so many problems from things we didn't learn from.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back on the blog.
The feelings about the United States have been nurtured by our big man in the White House. We have never had (maybe Carter)a President or any other high official in government that has stained the Red,White,and blue with their drivel as we are seeing today.The idea of purposefully dragging the country through the mud,is at least an abomination.
The conditions in Iran and North Korea are tragic. It is no wonder that each of those governments are walking around with a silly grin on their face. They do not believe that Obama and his crew will do anything but talk.
The treatment of our friends,world-wide, is sickening.
the only reason that I can think of for such behaviour,is that Obama
agrees with most of the ideals that the rogue countries portray.
The so called bailout of this country,is nothing more than a giant group hug,orchestrated by the Obama group. The problem with a group hug is that you wonder who hugged the hardest.
This country is in deep trouble.Not only with the poor economy,but in the workforce as well.The labor unions are coming to the table to help clear the meat from the bones of industry.
Keep up the good work. Hopefully the next time we submit our thoughts to a liberal blog,they will be gracious enough to allow our thoughts to be read too.---Goose

The South Plainsman said...

Jim, I hope you are right. These days have the kind of erie feeling one imagined folks may have had in the 1930s.

The winds of war blowing with the appeasement of Hitler, the economy and other things were happening in that period, and I see much of it occurring again.

Hope not.