Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy and Sad

A couple of years ago when I decided to try blogging, the main objective that I had was to not become a slave of writing on a schedule. I don't think anyone can say that I have, since it has been so long since I have posted here.

Another of my intentions was to do it for fun. Often it has not been.

Since I retired I have been enjoying life, with a great family, a faithful dog, wonderful friends and good health, at least for an old codger.

My family, friends and I have lived the American Dream. It has been great, and I hope that we can preserve that opportunity for our children and their children.

The above is the happy part.

It is a cultural thing, I suppose, for the elderly to disapprove of what the younger generations are doing. My parents disapproved of our teen music, just as my generation doesn't appreciate the kind of music and culture of the current teens. That is just natural, and is not something that I am that concerned about.

What I am concerned with is the direction in which our country, and particularly our government, is headed.

This is the sad part.

One can read past posts and get an idea of the things that are so sad. A quick summation would be that our people are increasingly losing their liberty to an ever growing and increasingly uncontrollable government.

Since at least the last Great Depression we have all looked increasingly toward the national government to solve every problem, and increasingly let our state and local governments become so hooked on Federal funds that they can only respond to the Feds, and not to the desires of the people.

It is not my intent to go into great detail about the hows and whens, but we all must realize that we have been letting our government drift out of control for several decades.

The more this happens, the less free we become.

This is Christmas time, and I am going to be happy, and I wish happiness and a Merry Christmas to all of you.

After this happy period, I am not going to be sad any more.

I am going to be mad as Hell.


Anonymous said...

If I were from Nebraska, I would feel like that I had shafted my fellow Americans. To drive a car with a Nebraska license plate into the other 49 would be embarrassing.

The South Plainsman said...

Congress is full of crooks. Some are just lower than others.

Anonymous said...

I too am very sad that our?government has totally disregarded the Constitution in their desire to take over this great country. We have to face it though, that Obama and his wrecking crew, are determined to weaken this Nation in order to make taking it over,very easy.
It's difficult to believe that the Democratic controlled House and Senate have rolled over,and swallowed Obama's lies and wishful thinking.
From the Happy side of life,It is still possible for we conservatives,to retake this country for the good of the people,not for some egomaniac and czars to plant their feet in our midsection.----Goose