Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bill Clinton and the Tea Party

Former President Bill Clinton, best known for having soiled a blue dress in the Oval Office, weighed in on the Tea Party menace a few days ago.

He is afraid the limited government rhetoric of the Tea Partiers will lead to another act of domestic terrorism like the Oklahoma City bombing.

Naturally, he leaves out the really pertinent point: that McVeigh bombed Ok City in response to Bill Clinton's mangement of the seige at Waco.

You can read a good story on the subject by Tony Blankley here.

At the same time that he was trying to trash the Tea Party, a real incident of domestic violence was taking place.

A young woman staffer for the Republican Governor of Louisiana and her date were leaving a function in New Orleans when they were set upon by left wing thugs, viciously assaulted and hospitalized. This for wearing Sarah Palin pins. More on that here. And parts of the police reports are here.

Of course, there has been no media coverage, and certaily no comments from Clinton or other Democrats who are so concerned about violence in the political sector.

Double standard?

Trashing the Tea Party won't work.

Mr. Clinton needs to slither quietly back under his rock.

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