Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Real Problem With the Health Care Debate

The real problem with health care is that they have done it in a way that nobody can really be informed. Clearly the Congress is not, and clearly the folks on both sides are not.

This is the crux of the matter: the whole issue has been presented in such a poor way that nobody really knows or appreciates what is actually in the various bills, and the attempt to rush it through with no debate, like the stimulus and the cap and trade bill, leaves the public to assume that the health care bill is as bad as the others.

This is just real poor politics by Obama and the Congressional leaders. Camille Paglia had it right.

People fear the unknown. The bill's provisions are unknown....deliberately. The Democrats are losing the fight for that reason, and should.

What needs to be done is that Obama needs to lay out the bill he wants, and then the various committees in Congress should hold public hearings and hear everyone's views.

After hearings and a fair markup debate, what comes out should be freely debated on the House floor (or the Senate, as the case may be) and voted up or down after any amendments. In other words, they should follow their own procedures.

Instead, the Democrat leadership in the House tried to rush something through without debate and without really informing the public what was in it.

This is not how a Democratic Republic like ours is supposed to work. It is a violation of all the tenets of fairness.

For that reason all of the bills should be voted down, and a new start made.

We were promised bi-partisanship by Obama. Instead, we have gotten worse partisanship than even Tom DeLay caused.

Shame on them all.


Anonymous said...

As the old saing goes,"If you can't dazzle them with brilliance,baffle them with B.S.

Anonymous said...

I cannot see the rush either. This will affect most of all Americans in a very real way. Why cannot we get a group of experts to decipher the details and summarize it in a way that the average person can understand? A stampede is what this looks like to me. This should take 2/3 months of study and reading for a bill that will last for many of our lifetimes! JR