Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Texas without Federal money? Believing in the 10th Amendment

I see that Rep. James White has filed a bill in Austin that would set up a select committee to study what would happen if Texas lost its Federal funding. He says because the Feds might go broke, but what if Texas decided that the Feds demanded too much in return for the money. Seems like a great idea to me.

""We always talk about Tenth Amendment rights but there are Tenth Amendment responsibilities. If Texas is an independent nation or if we continue to be a part of the United States, which I am for, we still need to have a strong Texas," he said."

The Texas Tribune has the story. It is the best site that I know for Texas political coverage.

Would you give up your guns?

Bill Katz over at Urgent Agenda points out a new Fox Poll where that question was asked. The result was not a surprise.

"If the Government passed a law to take your guns would you give up your guns or defy the law and keep your guns?"

The answer: Defy the law and keep guns = 65%;  Give up the guns = 22%; Don't Know = 13%

A few years back, Canada tried to require its people to register their guns. So many refused to do so that they abandoned the attempt.

Why won't liberals ever learn?


Filibuster reform? The Hill has a story on Harry Reid's proposals to "reform" filibusters. Of course, Harry wants to be able to use his majority in the Senate to run over the minority even more than he has the past few years.

There are negotiations going on between him and Mitch McConnell, but Reid seems to often beat poor Mitch when the chips are down.

Of course, in two years, the shoe may be on the other foot, with Republicans holding  the majority.

I am afraid that the Senate has gone from a great deliberative body to an "in your face" no compromise, partisan group that cannot get anything done right.

Tar and feathers for them all.


Study: "Debt Problem Began Four Decades Ago"

The St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank has let the truth out, if anyone will pay attention. Good old LBJ, with his War on Paverty and Vietnam War, both paid for by bringing Social Security revenues into general revenue (requiring the SS Trust Fund to take government IOUs) and by just borrowing money started the problem.

"[A]fter 1970, both revenues and expenditures increased on average relative to the previous two decades; however, revenue increased marginally while expenditures increased significantly... on average, the government spent 2.4 percent of GDP more than it received in revenue during the 38-year period."

There you go. All of these years we have been borrowing from the future for our instant gratification, and to allow the politicians to maintain their power at our chidren's expense.

Who will stop the madness? Not any of the politicians in Washington, that's for sure. Some talk a good game, but there is never a chance that spending will be controlled.

But what can't go on forever, won't. What will happen to the country when we run out of our kids' money?

The story is in Townhall.

The inauguaral address.

I know it happed. Did not watch it. Have not read it. Only know it happened from story headlines discussing it, but I have not read the stories. Don't intend to. It is a waste of one's time.

Also will not read, or read about, any Republican responses. Another waste of one's time.

When politicians of all stripes talk these days, it is virtually all lies and obfuscation.

Watch what they do. If you do, you will find little difference between them. They are all doing a very poor jobs for most Americans, but doing quite well for themselves and the very rich, particularly the big banks.

Time to throw them all out.

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