Sunday, July 26, 2009

Defend Your Health Care

In trying to research the health care matters before Congress one particular website stands out. Its called Defend Your Health Care. It is run by Betsy McCaughey, PhD, a former Lt. Governor of the State of New York.

You can hear an interview with her at this site.

Everyone should go to the web site and check it out. The first thing you will see is something I have also pointed out in an earlier post:

"Whatever health insurance bill is passed in Congress MUST apply to members of Congress and other federal employees. No Exceptions.

If it isn't good enough for them, it isn't good enough for us.

We are calling on members of Congress to propose an amendment to the Kennedy Health Bill requiring all federal employees to enroll in a "qualified" health plan just like the rest of us. "

The only way for us to get the scheming politicians in DC to pass anything reasonably fair is to require that they be subject to the same provisions.

The fact that they choose to exempt themselves is certain evidence that they know its a bad bill.

This whole matter is outrageous.

The politicians, particularly those on the left, are trying to steal our country.

Between the health "reform," the cap and trade bill, the huge deficit spending, and a whole big bunch of other things, they will destroy our freedom if we permit them to do it.

A political revolution is needed.

Who will lead it?

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