Thursday, July 30, 2009

Who do they work for?

Daniel Henninger over at the Wall Street Journal has a piece about the Blue Dogs where he asks the title question.:

"....The issue is: Do they work for us, or do we work for them? "

That is a question we can ask about all of our folks in the Federal Government including all of Congress, the Executive and the Judiciary.

Who is the master, and who is the slave?

If you explore almost any issue, it comes down to this: one group up there is pro government, and wants the government to make sure we are led down the "correct" paths. These are mostly Democrats. Another group mostly favors (they say) having the private sector do the leading. These are mostly Republicans. The last group is on the fence. They cannot decide who to favor, the government or the people. This includes the Blue Dogs and so-called "moderate" Republicans.

The problem we have is that when the pro-private sector folks have gotten in charge, they have joined the pro government group.

The result has been an unprecedented growth in government the last 80 years. This has left us all less free and less well off than we otherwise would be.

Our government has gotten to the point that it serves the special interests that feed it, and not the people who, through their taxes, are required to support it.

Just look at the absolutely huge sums expended by lobbyists and other big special interests to support the power and elections of the politicians. Is it any wonder that the whole system has become so corrupt?

We all need to send a message to the politicians: you represent us, or you are gone.

Actually, we just need to throw all the bums out and start over.

Read all of Henninger's article here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am in favor of limited terms for the House and the Senate. Maybe that is the only recourse for having the whole bunch bury the everage joe with stupid bills and wasteful programs.----Goose