Saturday, July 11, 2009

Obama unveiled

We have learned long ago that we could not trust our domestic media on things Obama, not even those that are "fair and balanced."

So we have to turn to the foreign press to hear the truth.

Rex Murphy of Canada's Globe and Mail hits the truth hard with his comments today: Obama on the flying trapeze.

"We've been watching over the past two weeks, willingly or not, the wrong icon. Michael Jackson's a distraction. Barack Obama is the superstar of the world, the real celebrity. And because he's President of the world's foremost power (for now), his actions have real, not just symbolic, meaning."

Real meaning is right, and he goes on:

"We've seen him in action for a bit more than six months. What we can say with confidence, now that we have the evidence of his actions, is that had he run on (a) transforming the U.S. economy by massive federal government intervention, (b) taking an owner's stake in the automobile industry, (c) transforming the rules of America's energy economy, (d) instituting a national health-care system - all of these simultaneously and in the centre of a financial meltdown - Barack Obama wouldn't merely have lost the election, he wouldn't have got as many votes as gnarly old Ross Perot did in an election long past. He wouldn't, in other words, have beaten a bad-tempered, egotistical spoiler."

How true this is. :

"Mr. Obama has taken the real crisis of the U.S. (and world) economy and used it as the screen and lever for a massive agenda of transformation, a transformation that calls for expenditures on a scale never before seen in the history of government on this planet......."

He talks about some of the things initiated by Bush, and then:

"These initiatives, however, were almost instantly overlaid with the Obama agenda of massive government expansion, or attempted expansion, into everything from the auto industry to health care - all of them sold with cries of urgency and executed with reckless haste. Massive bills were passed before there were even copies of them to read. The U.S. government's debt is being swollen beyond all previous records."

This is all true, and he could not have undertaken this without having planned it all along. He planned this, but campaigned on "hope and change" without saying what, and he has reneged on numerous promises made during the campign.

So why don't we hear about this from our own press? Are they completely in the tank for Obama?

Of course. Thank goodness the foreign press is still honest.

Go read the whole thing.

A tip of the hat to Instapundit.

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