Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Only Thing Stimulated In a Government Stimulus

Ed Morrissey has an article over at AIP that discusses what the "stimulus" bill stimulates:

"A new GAO review of the $787 billion stimulus package tells us what we should have known all along. When government spends money themselves to stimulate the economy rather than let citizens have their own money to spend, the only part of the economy that gets stimulated is government itself. " (My emphasis)

Who would have guessed? The liberals in Congress rushed this bill through with anyone even having a chance to read it, without any input, and without letting the public in on any of it.

This is the kind of hope and change we can expect from the Democrats, and probabaly from a lot of the Republicans as well. Over three quarters of a trillion dollars, which is equal to about $100,000 per household of four, is blown proping up government programs that need to be pared back.

What could your family have done with that money? Better than the government, I would bet.

Read the whole article.

And think about getting a new bunch of politicians.

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