Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Just musing today after reading all of the frightening economic and political news.

The stock market is up good today on the news that Citi made a profit. I will bet it is not net of all the taxpayer dollars that have been and will be poured into it. Absurd.

There is news that the Democrats have introduced the "Employee Freedom of Choice Act." This is one that actually does away with freedom of employees to have a secret ballot when deciding whether or not to unionize. Typically of Democrats, its all a lie.

I note that some people are saying that the next shoe to fall on the banks will be huge credit card losses. Not a surprise. Banks were sending out many cards for years, not only to adult people, but to children, dogs, cats and canaries. Without regard to credit ratings. Now we are going to have to bail the banks out for that, too.

Does anybody know how many trillions of dollars all this bailout business is going to cost?


Didn't think so.

Does anybody know who is going to pay for it?

Your children and grandchildren, that's who.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey South Plainsman
There has been so much Democratic garbage attached to the stimulus bills and health legislation,You would think that they presented this all on Easter. After all one has to hunt and hunt to find it in all the muck and mire that makes up the legislation.
All I know is that we are doomed if Obama gets half of everything he wants. Right now he is getting about 80% of his desired control over the individuals and businesses of this country. I am not sure we can stand 4 full years of this liberal,political neophyte.
He has certainly buffaloed the Demo leadership.
Hang in ther good buddy. We shall prevail one way or 'tother.
