Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 5, 2009

Sarah Palin

It seems the whole world is talking about Sarah Palin, and her resignation as Governor of Alaska.

What is she going to do? Is she still running for President? Is she leaving politics? Did she commit political suicide, or is it a smart tactic? Why in the world would she do that?

Some of those questions are impossible to answer....only she and time will be able to do that. The answer to the last question above may be easier.

Ever since she exploded upon the national scene with her appointment as McCain's VP, the liberals and the press (sorry for the redundancy) have scrutinized her every move and every word, all quite critically. They have even done the same to her family. In my seventy years, I have never seen anything quite like it.

Why would they hate her so? One could easily conclude that the have that visceral anti-Palin feeling because she scares them.

She is different from them. She is not an elite like they are. She is pretty much a down home ordinary type of lady who happened to be bright enough to get herself elected Governor of her state. She is not afraid to take on the left, but had a good record of bi-partisanship in Alaska before the destruction began in earnest.

Her speech at the GOP Convention electrified the base of the party, something that neither John McCain nor any of the other candidates could do. She was not up on the national issues, and was not really ready for prime time, but she struck a real chord with the people who were dissatisfied with the nominee and all of the other choices. This is probably what frightened the left.

So the left set out to destroy her. They have done a lot of damage to her and her family. Much of what they did has been beyond the pale. We will see if that ever comes back to haunt them.

Will she be back? I suspect so. A friend pointed out that in 2020 she will only be 52. That is prime age for national leaders.

Will she come back prepared? We will see.

She is going to have to spend some time in the political wilderness, study, learn, get around and meet people, and build a base in the electorate.

Perhaps with the resignation, the media will now go elsewhere for a while.

The South Plainsman

David Boaz talks about how our current politicians from both political powers misuse quotes and misstate beliefs of the Founders of our country for their own purposes in The Politicians and the Founders over at Cato. Both Obama and McCain were guilty of this in their radio broadcasts this weekend. His conclusion after having given examples:

"....Maybe each week there should be three national radio broadcasts: one from the incumbent president, one from the other big-government party, and one reflecting the views of the Founders."

Read it all.

The South Plainsman

John Hinderaker over at Powerline quotes Mark Steyn who is discussing horrors of the British medical system:

"......When we quote stories like these at NRO, we get a lot of e-mail saying these are just "anecdotes". And yes, if you look on yourself as being part of a government health system of millions of people, getting a bedsore and dying in hideous pain is no big deal in the scheme of things. But I look on myself as being part of the Mark Steyn health system. So if I get a bedsore and die, as far as I'm concerned, that's a 100% systemic failure. The difference between government health care and a private system is that, under the latter, you're free to say, "This dump's filthy. I'm going to the state-of-the-art joint five miles up the road." You may have to get out your checkbook, but ultimately the decisions are yours.

In a government system, the decisions are the bureaucrats', and that's that. My father is currently ill, and the health "system" is doing its best to ensure it's fatal. When an ambulance has to be called, they take him to a different hospital according to the determinations of the bed-availability bureaucrats and which facility hasn't had to be quarantined for an infection outbreak. At the first hospital, he picked up C Difficile. At the second, MRSA. At the third, like the lady above, he got septicaemia. He's lying there now, enjoying the socialized health care jackpot - C Diff, MRSA, septicaemia. None of these ailments are what he went in to be treated for. They were given to him by the medical system......"

The discussion was about a woman who went to the hospital in Britain and died from a bedsore which was ignored by the staff.

Read the whole thing here.

The South Plainsman

Thought for the day:
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on to them to do the same." Ronald Reagan

The South Plainsman

Now Biden chimes in: the US will not stand in the way of an Israel attack on Iran. Is it the official word? Or is he just running his mouth again with his brain disengaged? How would we know?

The New York Times has the story, and an editorial comment within the story:

"....Mr. Biden’s comments came at a particularly sensitive time, amid the continuing tumult over the disputed Iranian elections, and seemed to risk handing a besieged President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a new tool with which to fan nationalist sentiments in Iran....."

A policy change for the Obama administration? Don't bet on it.

The South Plainsman

David Warren, who writes for the Ottawa Citizen hits the nail on the head when discussing affairs in the United States. Today he says we are crazy, and getting crazier for trying to solve problems in the economy which were caused by too much debt by adding much more debt. And , he says, even crazier, at the same time we are socializing medicine at great cost and initiating "cap and trade" law that will further ruin the economy. Crazy, indeed.

Read the whole thing. [link is fixed now]

The South Plainsman

The Saudis will do what we won't. The Times has the story. The Saudis will permit the Israelis to fly over Saudi Arabia to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. The US won't let them use the somewhat more direct route over Iraq.

The South Plainsman


Anonymous said...

Naturally, I disagree. While I try to be civil about it, I really think she represents all that is bad in a shrinking Republican Party. Exercise your spleen at my blog:

George Phenix

The South Plainsman said...

I did. LOL

I don't know what her furute is.

I don't think the Republicans as they are currently aligned have much of a future, either.

As long as the Democrats can buy votes with other peoples' money, there will always be 40-50% of the people who will go for it.

So we need a new party....without the baggage that the Republicans carry with them.

Will it happen? Probably not.