Saturday, July 11, 2009


Belatedly starting the blogging day wondering if it will go over 100 deg. F. today, like it has the past few. Hoping not. Its only 93 now.

It was a cool Spring and the early summer has been cool as well, but the heat came back with a vengeance this week. I think the highest it got was 107F.

Two good things about this time of year.

One is that the fresh vegetables are now available at the farmers' markets. My bride and I gathered up a lot of peas, squash and other goodies today.

Then we came home and I planted some flowers in a couple of blank spots in the yard.

The second good thing about this time of year is that football is only six weeks away. That begins by far my favorite time of the year...the Fall, when footballs are in the air.

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